Message from our CEO

So much of success can be attributed to leaders taking ownership of GETTING THE RIGHT PEOPLE focused on THE RIGHT THINGS. It sounds so simple. Pulling it off, however, 涉及业务的各个方面,需要对员工保持冷静的态度, performance, position, competition, customer sentiment and macro environment. It also requires strong systems to bolster a “trust but verify” approach as complexity and scale grow. 在某种程度上,OG真人官网在2023年的失败和成功可以追溯到这一点.

Ken Rotman, OG真人官网首席执行官兼董事总经理

OG真人官网生活在政治和经济上都充满挑战的时代. Many countries and institutions that historically have provided leadership and stability have been absent.

Through all of this uncertainty, OG真人官网比以往任何时候都更需要的是专注于乐观和带领人们的领导, culture and religion together.

Our north star at OG真人官网 has always been and will remain on seeking long-term partnerships with aligned entrepreneurs working towards a common goal. OG真人官网的合作伙伴有着不同的背景和不同的世界观. They are optimistic people who work hard, lift up their communities, 回馈社会,并认识到能力决定机会. 在克莱尔维斯特,OG真人官网努力反映这些属性.

人们很容易悲观,上网或看新闻更是如此. However, it is more productive to remain optimistic and focus on what we can control and all that can bring people together.

Michael Wagman
President and Managing Director of OG真人官网

整个社会运动都归结为个人的作为或不作为. While each of us would probably rather not believe this because of the serious implications it carries or want to take responsibility for the bigger issues in the world around us, 这是一个错误,是OG真人官网不负责任的行为.  As influential and accomplished leaders, we must call out actions, beliefs, and values that we do not agree with. 通情达理的聪明人往往出于自我保护而保持沉默, 对正在发生的事情的普遍怀疑, 或者只是等待并希望下一个人站出来说话. These moments accumulate and not only make us weaker and a little smaller each time we are quiet but contribute to the overall moral decline and confusion we see around us in our society.  It is past due to put the fear of offending others to the side and be honest and loud about your own convictions.

Michael Skolnick
Co-Founder & CEO, Abra Health

One of my most important mentors told me, “When moving into a senior leadership role, 把时间花在只有你能做的事情上.从首席运营官到首席执行官的转变过程中, 我发现自己很想深入了解公司的内部运作, 我非常了解这个角色,并且在高水平上执行了这个角色.  我很快意识到这并不是对我时间的最佳利用,也不再是我的主要角色.  It is much more important for me to focus my time on developing strategic level guidance and external relationships that facilitate growth.  做那些只有你能做的事情,并信任你建立的团队来执行你的愿景.

Joe Paull
CEO, NexTech Solutions

有买入的时候,有增长的时候,也有卖出的时候. Whether the moment is right for you to do any of these things depends on the company involved, the general economy, the availability of debt, 但也取决于你自己团队内部的情况. 后者应作为整个分析的一部分予以认真考虑.

还有一点:低杠杆等同于持久力. Staying power is one of the most important ingredients for a successful investment outcome. That lesson was learned again this year when interest rates went from historically low levels to what is only about average in the long run.

G. John Krediet
Sparkling Spring Water的创始人,OG真人官网的董事 & Top Aces

Over the last year, I have been reminded over and over that the principles of leadership do not change with circumstance. If anything, as circumstances change you must be even more committed to those principles. 对我来说,这些原则是目的、人、过程、耐心和坚持. In that order. If followed, everything works out in the end. If it hasn’t worked out, it isn’t the end.

Steve DeLong
Founder & Co-CEO, Bluetree Dental

Preparing for your own leadership succession will help you make decisions and build your team. 当回顾你的领导生涯时, the most appropriate way to evaluate your effectiveness and strength as a leader will be to look at the team you transitioned to and how the company was set up to thrive in your absence.

Lee Rogers
CEO, Acera Insurance

2023年有两个值得注意的教训. Firstly, organizations must be adaptable. 领导者必须培养一个有弹性、拥抱变革的公司. 其次,保持以客户为中心是至关重要的. It is important that at all levels of the organization and all team members understand your customer needs and build strong partnerships with clients.

Val Adia
CEO, Boca Biolistics

There were two key lessons learned this year. 首先是OG真人官网对冲突的反应——战斗还是逃跑? OG真人官网都赢得了合同,也都失去了合同. Losing is tough. So: fight or flight? We have a choice to move on, but occasionally the product you offer is truly what the customer needs. In this case, fight, and fight like hell.

其次,你只有在下一次危机中才能表现得很好. Post-COVID, crisis-fighting fatigue is a real thing, and although you won’t be ready for it, the next crisis will come. Pull up your socks and lead. 这是你的员工和股东最看重的.

Chris Reynolds
President, Air Tindi

持续的经济不确定性导致了非常具有挑战性的时期, along with the opportunity for many learnings and the demonstration of the true character of companies and individuals. 诚信是OG真人官网的核心价值观之一,包括直面挑战, 信守承诺,做正确的事. In the last year, our guiding principle around Integrity has assisted in managing through to better outcomes. 我的经验是拥有核心价值观并以此为准则生活, in good times and bad, is a key to long term success.

Jeff Parr
Vice Chairman of OG真人官网

As always, 当借钱困难时,现金为王, 因此,重要的是要有储备,不要过度杠杆化.

Jeff Gural
CEO, Meadowlands Racetrack

Building a world class production facility and a growing senior leadership team created a unique set of challenges. OG真人官网今年成功的关键是在团队中建立了高度的信任, a continued focus on clear communication, 设定可实现但具有挑战性的目标, and on a personal level, 学会有效地委派和关注自我意识.

Sean Fleming
CEO & Founder, Brunswick Bierworks

OG真人官网团队在查找和执行事务方面同样有效, the efforts to work with management to improve operations and build value for customers, 员工和投资者可能更为重要.

Bill Morneau

My lesson learned for the year is if an executive can only spend her or his time on one thing, it is the following: 花时间把最优秀的人才放在关键岗位上. From my own experience, I have watched the positive impact of putting a very talented executive in a key role – problems seem to evaporate, planning improves, 员工会更快乐,业绩也会得到显著改善. 我也犯了一个错误,就是离开的时候很专注, hardworking executives in key roles when they are no longer capable of managing the complexity within their organizations and suffered the negative consequences. In the end, 在OG真人官网的组织里,是人在领导人, so it stands to reason that having top talent in the key leadership roles is what will lead an organization to success!

Paul Bouchard
President & CEO, Top Aces

你可以在坚持公司价值观的同时发展壮大. 关键是所有领导人都要与这些价值观保持一致.

Alex Webb
CEO & Founder, F12

过去一年强化了维持投资纪律的价值. OG真人官网 is very well positioned today…with available capital to deal with challenges in portfolio companies and to participate in new growth opportunities. I believe that OG真人官网 will emerge stronger than ever and will continue to create value over the long term.


Michael Bregman
Chairman of OG真人官网

每个人都喜欢大获全胜,但这种情况并不常见. Seek smaller, continual improvements. The facility at Delaware Park Casino was unchanged for many years before the current ownership. 许多人无法看到这个团队、董事会和投资者的设想. 但这处房产不可能在一夜之间改变. We’ve continued to improve the property section by section and it was certainly worth the wait. OG真人官网的客人每次来酒店都能看到一些新的东西. OG真人官网将在未来几年继续改善客人的体验.

Terry Glebocki
President & General Manager, Delaware Park

随着商业环境的不断变化和不确定性, 我对战略敏捷性的溢价持续增长感到震惊. Organizations are challenged to better integrate strategy formulation and execution to allow for continuous learning and adaptation. As a new Board member, I have been impressed by the strong learning culture at OG真人官网 and how the firm’s professionals distinguish themselves by both formulating investment opportunities and then actively supporting execution at the portfolio companies.

Peter Zemsky
Director of OG真人官网

Whilst ambition is always to be encouraged, 野心太大会让你付出太多, create too much complexity in the business or to divert too far away from the business’s core purpose/unique selling proposition. Lesson learned is to keep focused on the few things that will make the most difference to customers and business performance, deliver them, then move on to the next.

Adam Smith
CEO, FSB Technology